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Lift my dark forge from the ashes of this kingdom.

—Rasputin, The Thief and the Tinderbox

Rasputin was a main character and the main antagonist of the twelfth Dark Parables game, The Thief and the Tinderbox.

A powerful dark sorcerer, he was the elder brother of King Edric, and sought to have his revenge on the Snowfall Kingdom.

Rasputin was based on the Russian historical figure Grigori Rasputin and the Arabic mythological figure of the Jinn/dijinn.

Appearance and Personality[]

Rasputin was a sinister-looking man with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a long dark beard. He wore a ragged purple robe, gold manacles on his wrists and ankles and carried a wooden staff with him. He also had long, sharp fingernails and walked around barefoot.

Rasputin was a power-hungry man who was completely engrossed by dark Sorcery. He was also very manipulative, able to convince Kai to release him from his Tinderbox prison by promising that having the Tinderbox in his possession would win Kai Gerda's love.


Rasputin was born the son of the Old King, ruler of the Mountain Kingdom, and was later joined by a younger brother named Edric. Not much is known of his childhood, but while his brother was drawn to physical combat Rasputin devoted himself to sorcery and alchemy; it is also hinted that the darkness that would corrupt him began during his youth.

As the firstborn prince, Rasputin would inherit the throne when his time came, but the Old King wanted to test his sons to see who was most worthy and so set three tasks for them to complete. The brothers were evenly matched for the first two tasks, with Edric using his physical strength while Rasputin relayed on his knowledge of sorcery, but it was the third task that sealed their fates - while Edric shook hands with his opponent after defeating him, Rasputin showed his evil nature by burning his opponent alive.

With Rasputin deemed unfit to rule the kingdom, his younger brother was declared the heir by their father. Enraged at the loss of the power he rightfully believed was his, Rasputin decided to bid his time and remained in the shadows while he plotted a coup. Using his sorcery knowledge, he bewitched the dwarf blacksmith Odna into creating two magical mirrors - the Truth Mirror and the False Mirror; while Rasputin kept the Truth Mirror for himself, he intended to give the False Mirror to his brother which would bring out his worst self. However, Odna foiled his plans when he shattered the False Mirror into pieces.

With his plot exposed, Rasputin battled Hansel, the Moon Priest, for three days and nights until he was defeated. His powers were stripped from him and sealed in gems before he was put on trial. Though found guilty and sentenced to death, King Edric's brotherly love for Rasputin spared his life; instead, he was banished from the Mountain Kingdom with a warning that he had been given a second chance and there would not be a third.

Badly scarred from his duel with Hansel, Rasputin traveled east where it was rumoured that a Golden Child lived deep in the hills. Though it is unknown exactly what happened, Rasputin was later seen leaving with his scars healed but the girl was dead, her eyes completely dry of tears. He then journeyed into the high mountains where he found the Tinderbox, a powerful magical object capable of granting three wishes. Returning to the Mountain Kingdom with an army, Rasputin once again battled his brother for the throne - though the details are vague, what is known is that Rasputin ended up as the new slave of the Tinderbox. To ensure his kingdom and family remained safe from the Tinderbox's powerful magic, King Edric had his three top generals transformed into dog guardians and had the Tinderbox hidden in a cave under the Swiss Alps.

For centuries Rasputin remained imprisoned in the Tinderbox, until the day he felt the emotional vulnerability of Kai throughout one of the gems containing Rasputin's powers (which Kai wore in his Forest Warden medallion). Realizing he could manipulate Kai into becoming the new owner of the Tinderbox, Rasputin entered Kai's dream one night and told him to find the Tinderbox which could grant him his desire of Gerda's love.

With the use of a fire crystal, Kai began to burn down the forest in search of the tree that lead to the underground cave where Rasputin and the Tinderbox were stored - in the process, attracting the attention of the Fairytale Detective. Following Kai underground, the Detective defeated the dog guardians and unsealed the Tinderbox but Kai snatched it from her hands before heading to the new Snowfall Kingdom to make his wishes.

Summoned by Kai, Rasputin granted his wish to stop Gwyn and Gerda's wedding by literally freezing time. When Kai made his second wish - for Gerda to "be with the man who has loved you the longest" - Rasputin manipulated the wish so that it erased all the men from the kingdom, and in the process set the city on fire. When Kai made his final wish that everything be as it was before, he broke taboo - as a result, Rasputin was released from the Tinderbox while the botanist was trapped inside as the new slave.

Free for the first time in centuries, Rasputin was immediately confronted by his niece, Snow White, who he was impressed recognized him despite last seeing him as a child. Snow White declared she would not let her uncle ruin the kingdom again and prepared to freeze him with her cold magic; however, Rasputin redirected her magic, freezing Snow White where she stood. He then chased Gerda to the edge of a cliff outside the city, but after Gerda survived his blast of magic he realized she was a Golden Child and vowed to return for her "precious blood".

When cornered by the Detective outside the old Snowfall Kingdom, Rasputin gave her a warning to turn away before blocking the entrance to the old kingdom. The Detective had barely managed to make her way through the blockage when Rasputin made his first wish to lift his dark forge from the ashes so that Odna (still imprisoned there) could break the gems that sealed his powers.

Aware that the Detective had summoned Hansel to fight him again, Rasputin made his second wish - "that you be gone from this world!" Kai, however, modified the wish so that the Detective was only trapped in the Tinderbox and quickly released her. Although shocked to see the Detective still alive, Rasputin arrogantly dismissed it as unimportant and summoned an ice wall to prevent her from interfering as Odna shattered the gems with the Mountain King's hammer. Powerful once again, Rasputin battled the Moon Priest in a magical duel and this time was victorious. With only the blood of a Golden Child needed to ensure his immortality, he returned to the new Snowfall Kingdom for Gerda.

To protect the people of Snowfall Kingdom, Gerda lead Rasputin away to the old battlefield where he had once battled for the throne all those years ago. As Rasputin ranted that he would soon be unstoppable once Gerda's life was his, the Detective and Gwyn activated the four elemental seals needed to defeat him. Before the barrier closed in on him, Rasputin made his final wish for the people on the battlefield to die. However, it didn't work because it broke taboo and he was once again trapped in the Tinderbox.

Kai, who was entrusted with the Tinderbox by Gerda and Gwyn, later traveled to the Edge of the World where he sealed it in a temple and thus Rasputin will remain there forever more.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Fire Manipulation: Like his nephew Ross Red, Rasputin has the ability to control fire - sending powerful blasts with his staff at his target.
  • Granting Wishes (regained): When being imprisoned in the Tinderbox, Rasputin can grant any wish. However, he can twist the wishes if the person in possession of the Tinderbox is not specific.
  • Immortality (regained): Not the kind of immortality he wanted sadly for him. Being trapped in the Tinderbox will give him what he wants, but he can never be free from it.
  • Teleportation: Rasputin can dissolve his body in red mist, appearing somewhere else.


Relevant Parables[]

Two Brothers, Two Mirrors (from The Thief and the Tinderbox)

The King's two sons lived with their father in the Mountain Kingdom. The elder, Rasputin, was first in line for the throne by birthright, but his heart had been darkened in childhood and he lusted only for power. The King decreed he was unfit to rule and named Edric, the younger son, as heir. The King's decision instilled great anger and resentment in his elder son, and darkness often brings great cunning. So Rasputin did his plotting and scheming in the shadows until the time was right. Rasputin used his sorcerer's power to trick Odna, the legendary dwarf blacksmith, into crafting a pair of Magic Mirrors for him. One Mirror reflected only the truth, and Rasputin wanted that one for himself. The second Mirror reflected only darkness, and brought out the worst in the person it reflected. This one he intended to give his younger brother, Edric the King. Rasputin's plan went awry when Odna realized his magical creations were to be corrupted in the service of Rasputin's wrongdoing. He swung his hammer one last time and shattered the False Mirror.

The End of Tears (from The Thief and the Tinderbox)

Deep in the hills of the East there once lived an unusual child. She was small and timid, and cried at the slightest provocation. Everyone assumed she wouldn't last long in the bitter climate, yet the girl grew and thrived. One night her father returned from the hunt with a bloody gash in his stomach. The healers were summoned and they shook their heads. "We can do nothing for him except prepare him for the journey." But as soon as the girl shed loving tears over her father's wound, the gash closed and healed before their eyes. Word of the healing spread and the girl became a sought-after miracle worker. One day a man bearing the scars of a great battle approached and said to the girl, "You are a Golden Child, able to hold death at bay, even for a man like me." Later that day he was seen peacefully exiting the girl's home, with no scars to be seen, and the villagers found the girl dead, her eyes dried of all tears. It would later be revealed: Rasputin had been there.

The Wounded Beast (from The Thief and the Tinderbox)

One summer day, the skies suddenly darkened over the Mountain Kingdom's capital and a deep booming sound came from somewhere in the city. It was Odna shattering the False Mirror, releasing its immense power and discharging it in an explosion that tore down the Dark Forge and changed Odna forever. Thus Rasputin's plot to overthrow King Edric was revealed. Edric feared his brother, for he knew Rasputin's powers were great. The King summoned the arbiter of the Moon Goddess, the Moon Priest, who dueled with Rasputin for three days and nights. The Moon Priest was victorious and Rasputin was at last apprehended. The Moon Priest stripped Rasputin of his dark powers, then pronounced his punishment: death at the hands of the King. But an ineffable brotherly love softened the King's heart. "Rasputin, for your betrayal I banish you from these lands forever and ever. You were my brother, and that bought you a second life, but know this: there will not be a third."


  • Rasputin's name is Russian and translates to "ill-behaved child".


Quotes by Rasputin[]

  • "You summoned me, Master? What is your first wish?"
  • "Your wish is granted. The clock in the city has stopped ticking."
  • "Ah, Snow White. Last time we met, you were just a little brat. I'm impressed that you remember me!"
  • "Lift my dark forge from the ashes of this kingdom."
  • "My new kingdom won't pay respect to such weaklings from the past."
  • "That's why I intend to kill every last one of you!"
  • "No ... No! I wish you all to die!"

Quotes about Rasputin[]

  • "Rasputin is haunted by the past, and driven by revenge."
  • "Rasputin clearly loves enslaving people."
  • "Who was that vile man?" - Gerda

